Coming August 21st…


The Cure For Post-COVID Awkardness

This 2-hr online workshop is for leaders who are feeling awkward about returning to in-person meetings and presentations.

It’s for speakers who haven’t had to use body language beyond a head tilt for over sixteen months.

It’s for those who can’t WAIT to hug everybody...AND ALSO for those who’ve discovered they’re actually pretty okay with fewer hugs...

By the end of this workshop: 

  • You will be able to tap into empathy - to quickly get in tune with colleagues, and adjust your language to meet them on the right level.

  • You will feel pro-active, knowing you have meaningful conversation-starters ready - to facilitate greater comfort levels for your team.

  • You will have the mindfulness tools that are right for you - so you can ground yourself, stay open, and model vulnerability. 

The result?

You wind up not awkward but authentic, present, and feeling like yourself again - putting you in a state of generosity which allows you to listen to others.

I created The Cure for Post-COVID Awkwardness for professionals who know that the old model of “leaning in” belongs to another universe, and we need to get grounded in the here and now. Be present. Be flexible. Be clear.   

Aug 21st, 2021: 10am-12noon PST … on Zoom

Cost $39 CAN


1. Can't attend live? Timing not right for personal development?
No problem. We'll send you the recording after it airs.

2. Nervous about group experiences? I get it - I have a "no forced fun" policy. You will be working on mute so that no one can hear you - no need to feel self-conscious.
I do however encourage people to keep their cameras on to maintain an inclusive environment. If keeping your camera on is not for you, this workshop isn't a good idea.

3. Auditory learner?
Great. We'll send you an audio recording of the workshop.

4. Visual learner?
Fab. We'll send you the slides and written transcript.

5. Other concerns? Ask away by contacting me here: